News Eggcha Day 2024 Is No More!

Eggcha Day's World at Rest

Eggcha Day 2024 Is No More!

Hello Ezcha users, if you're reading this post, you're too late, Eggcha Day 2024 has ended! As one of's first events, Eggcha Day was a hit with many users jumping in whether it was to collect, explore, dance, or just chat.

We thank you for the successful event and want to take the time to check out some fun statistics and details from it's duration!

The Biggest Eggcha Day Yet!

Eggcha Day 2024 was the biggest Eggcha Day ever! All jokes aside, the event pulled in lots of impressive numbers for the platform and we thank you for supporting the first custom game event of the platform.

Lots of Playing

For starters, the event saw just over 1,600 plays in a matter of two weeks with over 60 unique players joining in the hunt! A very impressive shakedown for any ezcha title, especially in such a short period of time.

On average, players played 7 minutes per session, and in total users played the game for a combined 7 total days worth of time, that's lots of exploring!

Lots of Hunting

Eggcha Day was filled with a large amount of hunting, I'd hope so! During the event, over 690+ trophies were given out! Additionally around 6,450+ eggs were collected in total, including all the speedruns! That's a very large number of eggs, good thing we had enough!

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The event came with some unique objectives that not all 60+ who played were able to complete! Above are some of the most fun that were out for those to explore.

Overall, 30 dedicated hunters managed to complete the entire hunt atleast once! We thank everyone who spent the time to fully appreciate and experience this event, as that's how it is intended to be played after all!


Exploring was just half the fun! The event also featured a speedrunning mode where many tried to set out for the best possible time in collecting all 15 eggs! The top five ended up being biap, Xqea, Koopa, Max, and blockerlocker.

Is 02:45 the perfect time? I would say it's pretty close, but we must also give a shoutout to the person who spent the longest trying to find eggs, FireCatMagic with a time of 52:48.

However these feats didn't come without sacrifice as many poured plenty of time into the game to achieve these records! Notably, biap spent over 38 hours in the game, Xqea over 28 hours, and Koopa over 19 hours! That's a whole lot of time to spend hunting eggs, but the results sure showed in their ending rankings!

That's all for recap on the event's successes and celebrations! Let's move into some more fun topics regarding the process of the event!

Creating Eggcha Day

Eggcha Day wasn't just made in one day! No it was made in the course of about three months, granted most of that time was spent procrastinating but I knew that the summer was going to need an ezcha event and I hoped this one would deliver! I won't speak too much on the entire process and details of this project, but below I've added what I think are some fun facts about it's development!

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Before the first line of code was written, I first came up with and modeled every single egg. Yep, all fifteen were made before I had even opened Godot. Thanks to this I think it was alot easier to get everything else going. Anyhow, after that I devided and conquered, as I thought of a new idea I first modeled it and then would code it in. Audio was the very last thing added. You can see above what the first thing I did was in each category!

Before I started working on any hunting, the very first feature implemented was the EzGuys! You can see even above the EzGuys moving around in a world that doesn't seem very Eggcha yet. Me and Ezcha both brainstormed how to turn these guys into 3D, we felt that the flat highlighted approach worked really well in bringing these guys to the real world! The menu was the very first ui made as you can see, you once couldn't even equip hats! It came pretty far pretty quick.

Lastly, I wanted to talk about some inspirations for the game. I first started the game with the goal of making as many ezcha callouts as I could. This is reflected in the eggs themselves as the Blegg Hole (STR), Button Egg (DPTB), Cubied Egg (New Cubied), Remote Controlled Egg (EzGuy Creator), Elite Egg (Website), and Scribbled Egg (Scribble Surfer), are all very intentional references. Their objectives are similarly so, whether it be floating through the same space you do as STR, having to push even more buttons than DPTB, breaking blocks like New Cubied, promising to buy Elite like you do on this website, or scribbling in your own path like Scribble Surfer.

The remaining eggs were a mix of blank ones, reminding me of the days I was a child and Egg Hunts in other virtual spaces were simply recolors, and more complicated ideas. For those who know anything about me, you'd know this is my fifth year of conducting this kind of event and so I strived to think of some totally new concepts for eggs, the Tregg for one is an egg I always wanted to do but never knew how to bring to life, luckily Eggcha Day made it possible!

Overall, the event was very fun to create and is a good start for our collaboration as it is the first product I have made for the ezcha platform with more to come.

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The Future!

Before we leave off, I want to briefly about the future of both events and collaborations between Maxed and Ezcha (the entities) moving forward!

Firstly, during this event you guys showed out your love for future things like this on the platform as for the first time an elite goal was met! I am really happy to have been able to contribute to one of the first events and I'm sure Dylan has some great stuff on the way for upcoming ones. Just a disclaimer you probably shouldn't expect an entirely new fully fleshed out game every event, but make sure to look out for contests, giveaways, and so forth with this goal now met!

For the 16 players who did the extra challenge of finding the ten bits around the map, you may have noticed the above graphic displayed on the billboard! For those who didn't, you also get to see it now, but without 10 experience points. Anyway, the above is a teaser for the next game I will be releasing on the platform. Not sure how long it'll be from now but just so you know, the next time a Maxed game is on this platform it'll be related to these very keys you see above, so stay tuned!

That's all for now! Thank you again for playing Eggcha Day and making it a great success and a great start to the future of Ezcha events! Make sure to be on the lookout for more to come in terms of the platform, as this may have just rung in the times of excitement for it's future!

Thanks for reading, Max

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2 months ago

yeah mister max.... erm... i think you have to remove the elite goal part....


3 months ago

Eggcha was eggmazing


3 months ago

It turned out well and was a lot of fun. Thank you for creating and leading the project!


3 months ago

this was an ezbanging event!! cant wait to see what the next ezcha game or event has in store


3 months ago

but I just HATE that koopa guy.. BAN HIM! he used glitches to get third place.. never let him get top three again.. 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬


3 months ago

I LOVE EGGCHA DAY‼️‼️‼️💯💯💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


3 months ago

This phenomenal event got me EzHyped and had me EzGaming (and pretty EzDesperate for gold egg)

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Eggcha Day 2024 Is No More!

Written by Max
Published Jun 21, 2024, 6:00pm CST


A post about the recently concluded first edition of the Eggcha Day event that ran from May 31st, 2024 to June 14th, 2024.