News An Update

Website Refresh 2: Electric Boogaloo

Hello! It’s obviously been a while since I’ve posted something new on here. The previous post’s focus was about an update for this website. This one is mostly for the same reason but I’ll also bring up some of my plans for future content and what I’ve been working on recently.

What’s new this time?

Recently my friend Voxy has updated my icon to be smoother and replaced it’s solid orange background with a gradient. After seeing the changes he made I started work on an update for this site to go with it. This website now has a dark theme and has a more unique look instead of than using Material Design. I have also ditched the Vuetify framework in favor of my own custom components and styling. Along with that I have brought back the EzId account system, which is now accessible on the account page. If you registered an account in the past you will continue to be able to use it, there is no need to create a new one. Once logged in it will now also be possible to leave comments on these blog posts so please be friendly!

Future Content

If it hasn’t been obvious enough, I haven’t been too active on updating the content on this website. I hope to change this soon with development logs for some games I’ve been working on. I’ve missed being able to focus on my own projects and I am excited to make new things. I have also been considering making some programming and scripting tutorials. Please let me know what you think in the comments and if you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to share them with me as I’m interested in what you have to say.

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Comments (page 2)

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4 years ago

make atomospace


4 years ago

10/10 Ezcha is a cool dude also he has a felix gif that when you click makes a noise best site ever


4 years ago

blog owner seems dehydrated, 10/10 wouldn't recommend.


4 years ago

doesn’t even serve water 2/10

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4 years ago

Old name go brrr. also nice website


4 years ago

hey leon whats good


4 years ago



4 years ago

this is awesome you should hire website mods! you can dm me at space.png#0980 if you are interested. thanks!

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An Update

Written by Dylan
Published Jun 19, 2020, 11:35am CST


Website Refresh 2: Electric Boogaloo